1. 本研究以贝壳结构为灵感,提出了一种简单而经济的蒸发自组装方法,首次制备了同时具有大变形、高湿度敏感性、可靠的循环性、优异的力学性能(干、湿)和结构稳定性的高性能羧甲基纤维素(CMC)基致动器。
2. 该体系将MXene纳米片和Al3+引入CMC基体中,通过氢键和离子键的协同增强作用以及致密的分层结构使复合膜具有超高的机械强度(273.6 MPa)、理想的韧性(7.95 MJ/m3),甚至在97%湿度下具有惊人的湿拉伸强度(154.2 MPa)。
3. CMC和MXene独特的层状结构和水致膨胀效应协同使复合薄膜在湿度梯度下具有较大的形状变形、灵敏的驱动(小于2.3 s)和出色的循环稳定性(超过1500次循环)
Figure. 1. Fabrication of the CMC/MXene/Al3+ composite films. (a) Schematic illustration of the strategy for constructing CMC/MXene/Al3+ composite films. (b) TEM and (c) AFM images of MXene nanosheets. (d) Zeta potential of CMC, MXene, and CMC/MXene aqueous dispersion. (e) Optical image of CMC/MXene/Al3+ composite film.
Figure. 2. The deformation motion and mechanism for CMC/MXene/Al3+ composite film. (a) Optical images of motion process for CMC/MXene/Al3+ composite film when placed on palm. (b) The reversible deformation of CMC/MXene/Al3+ composite film upon exposure to humidity gradients. (c) Schematic illustration the deformation mechanism of CMC/MXene/Al3+ composite film in response to humidity gradients.
Figure. 3. Application of CMC/MXene/Al3+ composite film as a moist-electric generator. (a) Configuration diagram of moist-electric generator. (b) Output voltage process of the generator in response to the humidity from humidifier, oral breathing, and finger contacting. Output voltage curves under periodic moist stimuli from (c) oral breathing and (d) finger contacting. (e) Output voltage in different RH conditions. (f) Working mechanism of moist-electric generator based on the CMC/MXene/Al3+ composite film.
相关论文以题为Nacre-inspired composite film with mechanical robustness for highly efficient actuator powered by humidity gradients发表在《Chemical Engineering Journal》上。北京理工大学材料学院博士研究生魏洁为论文的第一作者,通讯作者为邵自强教授。